Monday, October 17, 2011


Some people have drive. An unexplainable, unimaginable urge to succeed, improve and learn. Those who do not possess this drive sometimes find it hard to understand.
Todd, also known as Chamberlin, is a Caucasian, 18-year-old male from Long Island, New York. What makes Todd, or Chamberlin rather, interesting is his passion for rapping.  Since the age of 10, Chamberlin has kept a notebook of rhymes, every second of the day writing new verses and correcting others.  Just because he started young doesn’t mean he was good, though. He just had the drive to get better.
         It wasn’t until the age of 16 that he had the courage to start telling friends of his hobby, he was clearly no longer embarrassed. This quote by Benjamin Franklin truly exemplifies this, “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins”.
         As Chamberlin continued to improve his skills he started to get more and more popular, even booking his first show in a small club in Brooklyn. This new found “fame” clearly got to his head when he told his parents he no longer wished to attend college. Where was his reason? Had his passion got the best of him? Letting it all get to his head, was there a real future in rapping for him? He believed so and was almost willing to give up a world full of other great opportunities in order to find out.
Luckily, reason found its way into his brain and was able to once again “hold the reins”.  He’s now able to balance his incredible passion with education and is even combining the two.  

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